Course Descriptions
Note: ENGL 115, 117 and 215 are prerequisite for all upper division courses in English with the exception of ENGL 300. Writing courses may not be audited.
ENGL 115 - College Writing I (3)
A college-level introduction to the study of writing and writing practices. Emphasizes the social and rhetorical dimensions of writing through course readings and assigned writing projects. Prerequisite: For students whose native language is not English, an overall average of 550 on TOEFL, 80 on MELAB, or a successful completion of advanced English in the Intensive English Program with a B in all classes and a pass on the CIE exit exam. Cannot be audited or CLEPed.
ENGL 117 - College Writing I: Writing Across Cultures (3)
A college-level introduction to the study of writing and writing practices for students who have multilingual backgrounds and for native English speaking students who are interested in writing about language and culture. Emphasizes the social, rhetorical, and cultural dimensions of writing through course readings and assigned writing projects.
ENGL 125 - Approaches to English Studies (3)
An introductory course, organized thematically, featuring various texts and approached from several perspectives, including linguistic, rhetorical, and literary analysis.
ENGL 215 - College Writing II (3)
An introduction to source-based, academic writing, including practice in summarizing, analyzing, synthesizing, and reading from a critical perspective. Sections organized thematically. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117 and completion of 24 semester credits. Cannot be audited or CLEPed.
ENGL 218 - Introduction to Creative Writing (3)
An introductory, college-leve practice in creative writing. The multi-genre approach may include stories, essays, poetry, drama, as well as multimodal and/or digital genres.
ENGL 220 - Technical Writing (3)
A course focusing on the techniques of written communication in the preparation of industrial and engineering reports and proposals and the instruction and practice in designing technical reports. Course studies rhetorical problems and practical strategies related to analyzing and communicating technical information to technical and non-technical audiences. Prerequisite: ENGL 115 or 117. Cannot be audited.
ENGL 225 - Approaches to Theoretical Discourse (3)
An introduction to genres, analysis, critical approaches, and writing about literature. Prerequisite: ENGL 115 or 117.
ENGL 255 - Studies in Literature (3)
An introductory literature course with the emphasis indicated by a subtitle, such as World Literature, the Short Story, and Travel Literature. Prerequisite: ENGL 115 or 117.
ENGL 273 - American Literature to 1865 (3)
A survey of American literature from the 17th century through the Civil War. Prerequisite: ENGL 115 or 117.
ENGL 274 - American Literature 1865-1914 (3)
A survey of American literature from the Civil War to World War I. Prerequisite: ENGL 115 or 117.
ENGL 300 - Modern English Grammar (3-4)
A course focusing on basic English syntax for students and future teachers, including grammatical terminology and a brief history of grammatical models. Prerequisite: ENGL 115 or 117. Students needing a study in the history of the English language, such as students working toward and English education concentration or an English education minor, should enroll for 4 credits.
ENGL 315 - Professional Writing (3)
A course providing practice in adapting writing to a variety of professional audiences and tasks, including resumes, proposals, business and technical reports, web writing, and collaborative writing. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, and 215. Cannot be audited.
ENGL 345 - Introduction to Rhetoric (3)
An introduction to the study of rhetoric, including classical and modern theories. Emphasis is given to the practical applications of rhetorical analysis in mass media, advertising, and literary and political representations. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, and 215.
ENGL 371 - English Literature to 1600 (3)
A survey of literature of the British Isles from Beowulf through the 16th century. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, 125, and 215.
ENGL 372 - English Literature 1600-1800 (3)
A survey of literature of the British Isles of the 17th and 18th centuries . Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, 125, and 215.
ENGL 373 - English Literature 1800-1914 (3)
A survey of literature of the British Isles from the 19th century to World War I. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, 125, and 215.
ENGL 403 - 20th-century English and American Literature (3)
A survey of 20th-century British, American, and other literature in English. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, 125, 215, and 225.
ENGL 404 - Global Literature (3)
A survey of global literary texts with a focus on issues of diversity. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, 125, 215, and 225.
ENGL 407 - Literature for Children (2-3)
A course focusing on the selection, analysis, and evaluation of literary works which meet the reading and/or the listening interests of children and enhance the preparation of elementary teachers, librarians, and parents. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117 and 215.
ENGL 408 - Literature for Young Adults (2-3)
A course focuing on the selection, analysis, and evaluation of literary works that meet the reading interests of young adults and enhance the preparation of middle-school and secondary English teachers, librarians, and parents. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117 and 215.
ENGL 415 - Gender Studies in Literature (3)
An advanced study of literary texts dealing with gender issues. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, 125, 215, and 225.
ENGL 430 - Topics in ... (1-4)
A study of selected topics in composition, language, or literature. Topic and credit to be announced in advance. Repeatable with different topics to 12 credits. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117 and 215.
ENGL 437 - Teaching and Tutoring Writing (3)
A course focusing on the theory and practice of teaching, tutoring, and responding to writing. Exercises in composition, revision, and evaluation. A minimum of 30 hours tutoring required. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117 and 215.
ENGL 438 - Advanced Composition (3)
An exploration of published essays, writing theory, and strategies. Essays move beyond—in style, scope and subject matter—the writing done in ENGL115 or 117 and 215, which are prerequisites. Cannot be audited.
ENGL 440 - Language and Culture (3)
A study of language in the context of ethnology with emphasis on the effect of social variables (including gender) on language use, and on paralanguage (e.g., kinesics and proxemics). Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, 215, and 460 or permission of instructor.
ENGL 450 - Literary Criticism and Theory (3)
An introduction to literary criticism and theory. Readings start with Plato, but special emphasis is on New Criticism to the present. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, 125, 215, and 225.
ENGL 454 - The Writing Life (3)
An exploration of composition theory and writing practice through the study of published writers’ narrative accounts of the writing life. Students engage in an extended writing project selected in consultation with the instructor. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117 and 215. Cannot be audited.
ENGL 459 - Methods of Teaching English (3)
An integration and exploration of pedagogical theories and practices in literature for young adults, and writing and language study for the secondary school classroom. Does not apply toward the first 16 credits in English for an MAT degree. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117 and 215.
ENGL 460 - Linguistics (3)
An introduction to linguistics for those planning to teach or work in the area of language, communication, or English on any level. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117 and 215.
ENGL 464 - Major Literary Author (3)
A study of a major author, such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Johnson, Dickens, Hawthorne, or Cather. Repeatable with different content. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, 125, 215, and 225.
ENGL 467 - Creative Writing (3)
A course providing practice in writing stories, essays, poetry, or drama. Course emphasis changes from semester to semester. Repeatable 3 times with different content. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117 and 215. Cannot be audited.
ENGL 478 - Study Tour
Travel to destinations relevant to individual programs of study. Classes will be selected from department(s) offerings. Fee may be required.
ENGL 495 - Independent Study/Readings (1-3)
A course focusing on studies in various areas of language, literature, or composition under supervision of an appropriate instructor, including regular conferences, and resulting in oral and/or written reports and papers. Registration by permission of the department chair.
ENGL 497 - Writing Internship (1-3)
Students intern 90 clock hours per hour of credit in journalism, business, or other approved field. Procedures and guidelines available from department. Open only to Writing Emphasis students. Prerequisites: ENGL 115 or 117, 215 and either ENGL 315 or JOUR 230.
ENGL 498 - Senior Seminar (1)
A course focusing on the development of a senior portfolio including capstone writing project. Discussion topics include career placement. Prerequisites: 24 credits in English (not including ENGL 115, 117 and 215) or by permission of instructor.